Alexander Draper Wolff
How old are you?
10 years old
When's your birthday?
What grade are you in?
4th grade
What's your astrological sign?
Do you have any pets?
A dog named ET
What time do you have to go to bed?
9:30 pm on weekdays
What makes you laugh out loud?
My dad
What issues are you interested in?
Global warming
What toy do you wish you had?
A zipline
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A musician and actor or a basketball player or a skateboarder
What's something you wouldn't want to live without?
My dog and my family
What's your favorite hobby?
When did you start playing a musical instrument?
When I was 3
What's your favorite professional sport?
What’s your favorite baseball team?
New York Yankees
What’s your favorite basketball team?
Los Angeles Lakers
What’s your favorite football team?
Philadelphia Eagles
Which sports do you like to do?
Basketball, tennis, and skateboarding
Which sports do you like to watch?
Basketball and tennis
What's the worst thing about being famous?
People pulling out your hair